WELCOME, you're in the right place. Each testimony in a Jesus Can book is made possible by the business/ministry of the Christian Writers Collective.
I hope you'll join this movement to spread the Gospel far and wide. The most powerful way to participate is to become a reader, writer, or both.
See the "Share Your Story…" page for more information.
Attending my first America Fest in Phoenix, Az, December 19-22, felt more like a reunion of 30,000 members of my American family, than a political event. The fact that practically everyone that I met was also a Christian, made me feel even more at home.
My primary reason for attending this event was to invite Christian writers to share their testimony in Book 4 of our series, Jesus Can…Show You the Truth. Considering the demographics of this crowd, this was easy! Want to know how I made it even easier? I wore a t-shirt with “Jesus Can ™ ” boldly imprinted on the front.
I did my best to invite everyone that said, “I love your shirt!” to submit their testimony for publication in Book 4. But there were so many! – as I crossed the street going in the opposite direction; as they passed by while I was having lunch, and other inconvenient times to sign an email list form -- I realized I’d have to continue to recruit writers for Book 4 even after America Fest 2024.
To all that joined my email list and especially to those that I didn’t have a chance to offer the opportunity to do so, I’d be honored if you’d join me for the next Christian Writers Collective Facebook LIVE Event:
Date: Thursday, February 6, 2024
Time: 7:00 PM CST
Location: https://www.facebook.com/christianwriterscollective
I can’t wait to share updates, hear your thoughts about Books 1, 2, 3, or 4, and connect with our wonderful community that's growing both spiritually and numerically. Thanks again for your prayer support, and for being part of this mission to spread the Gospel far and wide. To God be the Glory!
P.S. For all that commented on my Jesus Can ™ t-shirt at America Fest 2024, you might be interested to know that I'll be making them available for America Fest 2025 -- and I'd love to see you wearing it on the first day of the conference. Visit this website occasionally for announcements about its availability and instructions for ordering one. Use our CONTACT US form if you’d like to see it available earlier in 2025.
Book 3 was officially released on December 5, 2024, during a special Launch Party held during our 1st Thursday Facebook LIVE Event. You can still enjoy the party by viewing the recording on our Facebook business page:
They say that every paperback book is typically read by 5 different people. Imagine a Jesus Can book that you gave to a missionary being read by a seeker in the Philippines or some other far away location. Sometimes, a book can go where a missionary cannot. We hope that you will consider consider commissioning a ‘printed missionary’ by purchasing one or more copies of a Jesus Can book.
Thank you so much participating in the mission of spreading the Gospel far and wide!
At The Christian Writers Collective, we are committed to spreading the Gospel and supporting those who make it their mission to do the same. That’s why, starting with Book 3, 10% of the net profits from every Jesus Can book will be donated to an organization or individual dedicated to sharing God’s Word, for 2 years beyond the release date of that particular book.
Our first honoree is Literacy & Evangelism International (LEI), led by missionaries Bob and Mary Mulloy near Atlanta, GA. LEI’s impact is deeply woven into Book 3, with 29 of the 46 testimonies within it written by individuals touched by their ministry.
For over 16 years, Bob and Mary have served Atlanta’s diverse mission field, welcoming people from over 150 nations. Their work has reached victims of violence, refugees, and others seeking hope. They've made a lasting impact for the Kingdom of God.
It is our prayer that this grant empowers them to continue their ministry for many years to come. If you’d like to further support Bob and Mary’s work, donations can be sent directly to:
Literacy & Evangelism International
1800 S Jackson Ave, Tulsa, OK 74107
(Please include “for the ministry of Bob and Mary Mulloy” on the memo line.)
Thank you for partnering with us to make a difference in Jesus’s name!
Buy All 3 Jesus Can books for just $30, and get FREE SHIPPING. Buy NOW. This amazing deal won't last!